Thursday, August 31, 2006
Fortune Smiles
August has been an extremely lucky month for me. I'm getting my second Palanca tomorrow night (Yippee!); have received confirmation that seven of my stories and one comics script have been accepted for publication in various, um, publications; am going off today to see if the publication I was in last year (Dean's Philippine Spec Fic vol. 1) will win a National Book Award (We're hoping for the best, but expecting the worst); Reme likes the project I've been working on for Our Own Voice; and another potential creative project has come up, to be discussed forthwith.Of course, the cloudy lining to all this silver is that I've utterly used up my inventory of stories, and have not even begun to work on the story that's due in two weeks for my literary criticism gang, the Lit Critters. And I still have a website and something even longer to write on the corporate side (because Creative Expression, like crime, Does Not Pay).
It should also be noted that all this luck has not helped me at all in our ongoing Acquire board game tourney. Ah well, I guess you can only ask Lady Luck for so much in one month. She's been good to me.