Contradiction in Terms
You say to-may-toe; I say toh-mah-tah. Deal with it.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

That Spam-I-Am, that Spam-I-Am!

Received a stunning 36 incidences of spam today, all on the same topic.

Listen, spammers, there is nothing wrong with my erection, okay? Geez.

Speaking of Dr. Seuss (if you didn't get the title reference, you are clearly the victim of a deprived childhood), I splurged and got Sage the hardbound Seuss collection over at Fully Booked. It may seem pricey at around P1,700, but considering that your individual Seuss book runs to around P300, it's actually a steal for 13 stories.

It is a trifle heavy for bedtime storytelling, though. (And of course The Princess keeps trying to insist that it counts as only one story out of her maximum five stories a night, haha!)
Nikki bit in at 12:32 PM :: ::
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Nikki Alfar is really not as sexy as El's illustration would have you believe... but she doesn't mind if you think of her that way.
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