Contradiction in Terms
You say to-may-toe; I say toh-mah-tah. Deal with it.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Annoyingly Brief Update

Okay, one of the reasons I haven't been posting is that I'm no longer pleased with the look of the blog--it was designed to accommodate a side blog, but now it looks like the folks at have shut down, so now there's no point in the three-column layout, which irritates me, but I don't have enough time for a proper redesign. Urgh.

On a happier note, my short story, Heritage, has been published over in the current issue of Our Own Voice--do, please, check it out here. The good people at OOV have also seen fit to include me on the staff as one of their contributing fiction writers. (They seem, somehow, to have received the impression that I'm prolific or something--now I'll have to live up to it, despite the fact that I'm currently unable to even maintain a blog!)

Thanks, thanks, thanks to everyone who has shared my happiness about the Palanca. Look, now I'm a playwright! And I can legitimately go around calling myself a "multiple Palanca award winner", haha! I will publish an excerpt of the play here soon, I promise--it's called Life After Beth. (Can you believe I got away with submitting a pun?)

Hey, this wasn't so "brief" after all--which probably isn't too startling, given my tendency to babble on once I've gotten started. I do, actually, have a few blog entries currently published only in my head, so, seriously, expect me back on our regular programming schedule soon, okay? (After all, I've actually gotten onidcireuy to speak up in the chatterbox, which clearly indicates that it's high time.)

P.S. Reme, if you're reading this, help! I've been trying to email you The Project for weeks now, but my email refuses to speak to your Yahoo address. Alternatives, please?
Nikki bit in at 1:03 PM :: ::
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illustration by El

Nikki Alfar is really not as sexy as El's illustration would have you believe... but she doesn't mind if you think of her that way.
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Location: Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines

class act/guttersnipe. tomboy/girly-girl. serious writer/comics hack. wife & mom/tart & tease. obssessive-compulsive/laid-back. sweetheart/bitch. all that.

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