Contradiction in Terms
You say to-may-toe; I say toh-mah-tah. Deal with it.
Friday, September 15, 2006

What I Am is What I Am; Are You What You Are, or What?

bibliobibuli: "There are those who become drunk on books, as on wine or similar intoxicants."

--from Jeffrey Kacirk's Forgotten English
By the way, for the kind people who've expressed interest in my play, you can find it and the really much better stuff that won the Palancas here, thanks to the redoubtable Ian.

Thanks to Banzai Cat and all the other terrific folk who congratulated me on the Honorable Mention in the latest Year's Best Fantasy and Horror; and thanks most of all to Dean for publishing the book that got me there in the first place! (Despite the fact that sleeping with the editor did not actually save me from having to slave away on the story anyhow.) I really am a lucky, lucky girl this year.
Nikki bit in at 1:43 PM :: ::
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Nikki Alfar is really not as sexy as El's illustration would have you believe... but she doesn't mind if you think of her that way.
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Location: Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines

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